A bit of a delay within regards to posting the second half of a few requests. Nothing worse than getting that one Winter Flu / Cold a year to put you into hibernation. Figures. Anyway, here is the follow up. This is a great progressive trance record from Gypsy. Limbo Records was on the cutting edge of this style along with Eye Q and Harthouse Records. There were many labels catering to this style, but these three were on my radar back then. The shear length of the tracks make it one that feels it should be on a constant loop. All art & recordings are from my 12 inch. Artwork was shared to the Discogs site.
来週末の4月4日(sat)、troopcafeで出店致します☆ 是非是非☆遊びに来て下さいね〜〜〜♫ 『Summit SPECIAL with TR-101 / DJ Pete & Sleeparchive』 2015.4.4.SAT @troopcafe 23:00 START Door MB ¥3,000(w/1D) Foreigner& Student MB ¥2,000(w/1D) Mail Reservation ¥2,500(w/1D)
Special Guest Live: TR-101(DJ Pete & Sleeparchive)
Act: DOIIKE / NAKATANI / Jibb / JOKEI. and more...